[Conglomerate] What is Conglomerate?
Dave Malcolm
2004-10-23 10:12:52 UTC
I've been updating the Conglomerate website and I'm wondering how people
feel about a change to the description and stated goals of the project.

Currently the website has a very old description of Conglomerate as a
client/server content management system.

However, Conglomerate as it currently stands is purely a client-side
thing - an XML editor for end-users.

This reflects my personal interests - I'm keen on having a user-friendly
XML editor, potentially with support for connecting to various CMS
systems, but I'm not especially interested in writing my own CMS.

I know that at least one person out there agrees with me:

So I'd like to reposition the project so that it's firmly on the
client-side, as a user-friendly XML editor. But I'm wary about simply
updating things, especially the stated goals of the project - how do
people feel about such a change? Users? Developers? Founders of the

Also: are there any CMS systems that we should support? Do we need to
even bother supporting CMS systems?

Paul Smith
2004-10-23 10:12:52 UTC
Post by Dave Malcolm
Also: are there any CMS systems that we should support? Do we need
even bother supporting CMS systems?
I don't know whether calling it a CMS is a bit over the top, but CVS
support would be dead handy for me - it also occurred to me that this
is the kind of thing the "Save a Copy" menu item would be for, although
perhaps it would be better named "Save a Version" or "Save a Revision".

Or of course there could be a totally separate CVS menu with CVS
commands like diff in - although as Sean and Geert found, any diff tool
would have to silently ignore whitespace differences, and only alert
real content changes!

Paul Smith
Postgraduate Student
Department of Mathematics
School of Engineering, Computer Science,
and Mathematics
University of Exeter
(Laver building room C96, Tel X3990)

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Roberto Rosselli Del Turco
2004-10-23 10:12:52 UTC
Post by Paul Smith
Post by Dave Malcolm
Also: are there any CMS systems that we should support? Do we need
even bother supporting CMS systems?
I don't know whether calling it a CMS is a bit over the top, but CVS
support would be dead handy for me - it also occurred to me that this
is the kind of thing the "Save a Copy" menu item would be for, although
perhaps it would be better named "Save a Version" or "Save a Revision".
Or of course there could be a totally separate CVS menu with CVS
commands like diff in - although as Sean and Geert found, any diff tool
would have to silently ignore whitespace differences, and only alert
real content changes!
Adding CVS support might be a little overkill for an XML editor: only a
fraction of those working with XML files need to commit their files to a
CVS tree (I might be totally wrong, of course :) There's already a very
good diff/CVS tool, Meld.

Roberto Rosselli Del Turco roberto.rossellidelturco at unito.it
Dipartimento di Scienze rosselli at ling.unipi.it
del Linguaggio Then spoke the thunder DA
Universita' di Torino Datta: what have we given? (TSE)

Hige sceal the heardra, heorte the cenre,
mod sceal the mare, the ure maegen litlath. (Maldon 312-3)
Joakim Ziegler
2004-10-23 10:12:52 UTC
Post by Roberto Rosselli Del Turco
Post by Paul Smith
I don't know whether calling it a CMS is a bit over the top, but CVS
support would be dead handy for me - it also occurred to me that this
is the kind of thing the "Save a Copy" menu item would be for, although
perhaps it would be better named "Save a Version" or "Save a Revision".
Or of course there could be a totally separate CVS menu with CVS
commands like diff in - although as Sean and Geert found, any diff tool
would have to silently ignore whitespace differences, and only alert
real content changes!
Adding CVS support might be a little overkill for an XML editor: only a
fraction of those working with XML files need to commit their files to a
CVS tree (I might be totally wrong, of course :) There's already a very
good diff/CVS tool, Meld.
I think a large number of users, especially early users, will use
Conglomerate for documentation for free software. Almost all that's
maintained in CVS. Also, CVS would be a good start for defining an
interface that could later be used for CMS systems, etc.

Meld is very nice, I wonder if it could be made XML-aware? Diffing the
raw XML is not the most friendly way to look at diffs, I think. If Meld
could be made XML-aware and perhaps turned into a library or something,
so Conglomerate could invoke it/use it as a widget/dialog window to
display diffs, that would absolutely rule.
The Private Joakim Ziegler - Not Speaking For Anyone But Myself
***@avmaria.com - http://www.avmaria.com - ***@Undernet
http://www.avmaria.com/ - http://www.fix.no/
Steinar Bang
2004-10-23 10:12:52 UTC
Post by Paul Smith
I don't know whether calling it a CMS is a bit over the top, but CVS
support would be dead handy for me - it also occurred to me that
this is the kind of thing the "Save a Copy" menu item would be for,
although perhaps it would be better named "Save a Version" or "Save
a Revision".
I'm using integrated CVS support in Emacs, ie. my current XML editor,
and it works great.

In emacs CVS checkin/checkout is completely separate from saving the
file (except that you have to save a file to be allowed to check it

There's actually two separate CVS modes:
- there's PCL-CVS which gives you an overview of your workspace
- there's VC mode which works on a single file, and that can be used
to diff a file with other versions of the file, list the log for the
file, commit it, etc.

I would expect more of a CMS than what I get from CVS, though.
Post by Paul Smith
Or of course there could be a totally separate CVS menu with CVS
commands like diff in - although as Sean and Geert found, any diff
tool would have to silently ignore whitespace differences, and only
alert real content changes!
I couldn't disagree more. Whitespace in XML is significant, if
nothing else, for indentation for easy readability.

If there is whitespace difference, the tool should preserve it.