[Conglomerate] urgent assistance
morgan banny
2004-10-23 10:12:52 UTC
Dear Sir/Madam
I write to solicit your confidence in this transaction Im about to introduce
to you due to its confidential and classified nature. I got your email address
from an Internet listing and would want to apologize for infringing on you
My colleagues and I are members of the Presidential Committee on Appropriation,
Contract Review and Re-Award (PC-ACRR). The PC-ACRR which is headed by Alhaji
Atiku Abubakar the Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria was
set up to identify and review inflated contracts awarded from General Ibrahim
Babangida regime to General Abdulsalam Abubakars regime that handed over
to the present Civilian Government and because of our membership of the
above body, we are privy to the information I am about to reveal to you
in strict confidence as obtain in this Mutually Rewarding Financial Transaction
that we solicit for, we crave your indulgence for total confidentiality.
We are interested in the importation of goods into our country with funds,
which are presently trapped in Nigeria. In order to commence this business,
we solicit for your assistance to FREE the said trapped funds by cooperating
to effect its transfer to your foreign account.
The fund in question came as a result of Government official in the last
three regimes setting up private companies and ensuring that contracts were
awarded to their proxy companies, many of theses contracts were not executed
while the executed ones were poorly done and grossly over-invoiced in the
various ministries. To correct these abnormalities the Government of President
Olusegun Obasanjo established the PC-ACRR and appointed chieftains of the
ruling Peoples Democratic Party to its membership. We have consequently
identified several inflated and unexecuted contract funds that are presently
floating in the CBN.
We desire to release a particular contract fund from the several located
ones but due to our position as members of the PC-ACRR. We cannot acquire
the fund in our name(s) or do so with out foreign assistance. My colleagues
in the PC-ACRR have therefore mandated me to source for an oversea partner
into whose account the sum of $45,000,000,00 being the contract sum of this
particular fund will be paid by telegraphic transfer, hence this written
We propose a sharing ratio upon the success of this transaction as thus:
65% for us (The Officials) 25% for the foreign partner(s) and 10% for settlement
for local and foreign expenses incurred by all parties involved during the
course of this transaction.
Please, note that this transaction is 100% safe and the funds will be credited
to your account within ten banking days from the receipt of the following
informations from you. A suitable name into which the funds can be paid,
the above required information will enable us prepare your letter of claims
and job description respectively. This way, we will use the company name
from you to prepare the necessary documentary foundation to re-award the
contract in your company name as well as apply for payment.
We solicit your confidentiality in this transaction as we look forward
to doing business with you. Please acknowledge receipt of this letter using
this email address ***@luxmail.com so I can bring you into the complete
picture on this pending project as soon as possible.

Yours Truly

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